Meet the owner: Gilberto Gato, Restaurante Hexagone

Food & Drink Interviews Lifestyle
Discover the story behind some of the Algarve’s most popular businesses.
People are what make a business special. The customers who frequent the business, the staff delivering the service and the ones who started it all, who had a dream and a plan and made it happen. In many smaller businesses that dreamer is often the one delivering the service too, forging direct connections with loyal customers that last years.

Here you have an opportunity to know a little more about the people behind some of the Algarve’s businesses. Small and large, all are proud of the service they offer and are passionate about the beauty of the Algarve and the excellent services that they and others like them offer to residents and visitors.

Meet the owner: Gilberto Gato of Hexagone Restaurant

Hexagone is a modern Portuguese Steakhouse restaurant located just outside Carvoeiro. The focus is on serving fresh and seasonal produce in dishes that draw upon the emblematic flavours of Portuguese cuisine with touches of modernity and creativity.

Tell us a little about yourself:
I’m originally from the Borba region in the Alentejo - an area known for its great wines and hearty food. I came south on the invitation of a friend of the family and started my restaurant career working in a well-known restaurant in Portimão – O Gato.

Tell us about your business:
In 1993, I took on the challenge of running the restaurant at Prainha Clube Hotel. Although I was very young, I already had quite a lot of experience in managing restaurants. The following year, I had the opportunity to take on the running of Búzio Restaurant - also in Prainha – and stayed there until 2012.
(Editor’s note: Búzio had one of the best locations imaginable, overlooking the vast Alvor bay. It was a very popular spot and over the years hosted many weddings and celebrations). As well as Búzio, I also opened the Miss Pasta pizzeria in Prainha which is still operational.

In 2013, I opened my most recent project – Hexagone, which is located just outside Carvoeiro. It’s a spacious restaurant where we serve tasty, healthy food that draws on our Portuguese roots with some modern touches and a dash of creative flair.

What is it about your business that makes you proud?
The restaurant business is a challenging business at the best of times. Providing top service and maintaining levels of quality can be difficult due to the seasonal nature of business in the Algarve and the competitive market. Careful and knowledgeable management, combined with creativity and striving always to be as good as we possibly can has helped give Hexagone, and my other restaurants, a great reputation.
More than any award or prize, it’s the memories of shared moments over the years that make me most proud. All those weddings and parties we hosted, working as hard as we could so that others would have the most special of days – those are the best moments. Over the years, my restaurants have had so many customers that have become friends….it’s a privilege.

What do you love most about the Algarve?
Everything! I fell in love with the Algarve many years ago – the beaches, the scenery, the weather, the sense of safety. And the food of course, including the amazing fresh seafood.
Find out more about Restaurante Hexagone.